After confirming the above, please register below.
About Press Registration
Those wishing to have coverage of this exhibition must register as a press visitor.
Please be sure to complete your registration, as anyone without registration will not be admitted to the venue.
(If your visit is not for media coverage, please register as a general visitor)
Please review the "Additional Terms of Service for Press and Media Participants" provided below prior to proceeding with your Press Pre-registration.
By completing your registration, you shall consent to these terms.
- 亲自参加展会进行取材
- 刊登展会的会前/会后报道
- 获取最新的新闻稿
- 在展会现场分发您的杂志
- 成为官方媒体合作伙伴
主办 : RX Japan Ltd.
地址 : 11F Yaesu Central Tower, Tokyo Midtown Yaesu., 2-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
TEL: +81-3-6739-4133
E-mail: [email protected]